Welcome back from the Summer! The Needle Fall Preview

Where has the summer gone? Cool temperatures, that hint of the autumnal, bringing a jacket for the evenings, students returning to the city, the tourists departing to their Hausmannian avenues, and Berlin coming alive with the buzz of the cultural season.
Of course, it’s also the time when The Needle pumps its syringe after the summer languor. And here’s what we have to inject:
First, might we suggest an event for Monday 25 August, 19h, which is performance artist, singer and novelist, La JohnJoseph’s reading from his new novel, Everything Must Go, at Raumerweiter
Later this fall, The Needle will look at the sour side of gentrification, and the devious ways in which long-term Kreuzberg residents are being essentially evicted from their homes, so those same apartments can be sold at 4000 EUR/ square meter.
Another theme is the much beloved category of comparisons. After The Needle received tens of thousands of hits for its contrasts between Berlin and Paris, we are going to go ahead and ask why so many Israelis are coming to Berlin, and what Berlin looks like after Tel Aviv. And do the same for what Berlin looks like after Canada (a rather personal story from, yours truly, the Canadian editor).
Finally, The Needle received a lot of attention in the last months from those living in Saxony when we were critical of Görlitz, the backdrop to the film Grand Budapest Hotel, after our visit there. Trashed is how some readers put it, but I’d rather say the experience simply wasn’t positive. This generated a huge response from the residents of this border town, and even a write up in the major regional newspaper. We will share the media battle, and try to come to a measured retrospective on the experience of being ‘chased out of town’.
We thank you for your continued readership, all 50 000+ of you a month!, and look forward to an exciting, decadent, and debauched fall.
Joseph and his Needle